
118 ST-133 Controller Manual Version 3.B
Internal Trigger 69
module 23
Pre Trig In 23
Sel Trig Out 23
software control 71
specifications 67
timing 69
Timing Gen 23
Timing Gen interface 68
Trig Indicator 24
triggering 69
binning 59, 92
hardware 59, 92
frame transfer 61
subsection of array 59, 92
time 42
Readout rate
control of 62
precision vs speed tradeoff 62
Readout times (full frame) for several CCD
table of 59
Resolution, loss of with binning 60
ROI (Region of Interest) 19
RS-170 (EIA) 18
S/N ratio 55, 61
Safe mode
as used for setting up 41
fast image update 41
flowchart 43
missed events 42
Saturation 55
Sel Trig Out 23
serial buffer board 103
SERIAL COM connector 23
Shift register 58
compensation time 54, 65
drive selector 16
exposure 54
external 15
shutter power connector 15
synchronization 20
Disable 42
Normal 42
Preopen 42, 45
physical limitations vs. exposure 54, 89
SHUTTER IN connector 21
Shutter Power connector 15
Shutter Setting dial 15
SHUTTER signal 20, 21, 64
Signal-to-noise ratio
on-chip integration 55
Smearing 55, 88
frame transfer cameras 55
interline CCDs 89
Smearing in gated operation 88
Software binning 61
Software installation 24
inputs and outputs 63
temperature control 63
Spectroscopy 32
ST-133, introduction and description 9
Start pulse 68
Stop pulse 68
System components 11
TAXI card installation 104
Technical support 114
TEMP LOCK indicator 37
effect of vacuum deterioration 39
environmental operating range 12
lock 37
lock indicator 17
overshoot 37
problems 39
readout 18
specifications 63
storage 12
Termination of video output 18
Timing control 41
Timing Gen 23
Timing Gen interface 68
Timing modes 41, 42
Trig Indicator 24
TTL In/Out
connector 23
hardware interface 77
pin assignments 75
Unpacking and initial inspection 11
USB 2.0 installation 108
Vacuum deterioration 39
VCR 18
requirements 15
slots 15
Video Focus mode 18
Video output
constraints on during data acquisition 19
focusing 18