Genicom 3840 and 3410 ANSI Emulation
Vertical And Horiztonal Position Absolute ESC [(p1);(p2)f
Moves the print position to any coordinate on the page. Coordinates are measured in decipoints. Parameter
p1 is the vertical coordinate, which is measured from the top print reference. Parameter p2 is the horizontal
coordinate, which is measured from the left print reference. The computation of absolute positions is not
influenced by margin settings. Top and left print references are adjustable from the control panel. You can
print characters beyond the left, top, and bottom margin setting, but no printing is allowed beyond the right
EXAMPLE: ESC [1440;2160f
Prints the next character 2 inches from the top print reference and 3 inches from the left print reference.
Escape Sequence: ESC [ 1 4 4 0 ; 2 1 6 0 f
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B 31 34 34 30 3B 32 31 36 30 66
Vertical Position Backwards ESC [(p)k
Moves the vertical position backwards to (p) decipoints above the current position. The horizontal position
does not change.
If the target position is above the top margin, then the vertical position is the top margin. If no top margin is
set, and the target position is above top-of-form, then the vertical position is top-of-form.
Note: The printer economizes vertical motion with vertical logic seeking, so this command may cause
reverse paper motion in some instances and not in others. Reverse paper motion can cause problems with
some forms.
Example: ESC [1080k moves the vertical position up by 1.5 inches.
Escape Sequence: ESC [ 1 0 8 0 k
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B 31 30 38 30 6B
Horiztonal Tab
Horiztonal Tab HT
Causes the current print position to move to the next tab stop. If no tabs are set, then the current position
moves one space. If tab(s) are set but no tab(s) are set between the active print position and the right
margin, then following characters on the line are either discarded or printed on the next line, depending on the
status of auto wrap.
Control Code: HT
Hexadecimal: 09
Set Horiztonal Tab ESC H
If 8-bit control code processing is enabled then.