
DEC LA120/210 Emulation
Horizontal Position
Carriage Return CR
Causes the current line to be printed, and then sets the current print position to the left margin. If “Auto LF”
is set to “On” in the interface setup menu, a line feed will also be performed.
Control code: CR
Hexadecimal: 0D
Backspace BS
Causes the current line to be printed, and then moves the current print position one space to the left. The
actual distance moved depends on the current character spacing. Backspacing can be done up to, but not
beyond, the left margin.
Control code: BS
Hexadecimal: 08
Absolute Horizontal Tab ESC [ n `
Sets the current print position to column n. The actual position will depend on the current character spacing.
If n is less than the left margin, the active column will be set to the left margin. If n is greater than the right
margin, then a line feed will be performed and the active column will be set to the left margin.
Example: The following escape sequence will set the active column to column 65.
Escape Sequence: ESC [ 6 5 `
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B 36 35 60
Relative Horizontal Tab ESC [ n a
Advances the current print position by n columns. The actual distance moved will depend on the current
character spacing. Equivalent to sending n spaces (SP).
Example: The following escape sequence will advance the active column by 10 columns. If current character
spacing is 10 cpi, this will cause the print position to move one inch to the right.
Escape Sequence: ESC [ 1 0 a
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B 31 30 61
Vertical Position
Line Feed LF
(or) IND
(or) ESC D
Causes the current line to be printed, and then advances the paper one line at the current line spacing. If
“Auto CR” is set to “On” in the interface setup menu, a carriage return will also be performed.