Printek Emulation
Example 2: The following escape sequence will print a bar code using numeric pairs of numeric characters
containing “123456” that is 10mm high without human readable text.
Escape Sequence: ESC z 2 7 80 Start C 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hexadecimal: 1b 7A 32 07 50 89 31 32 33 34 35 36
Example 3: The following escape sequence will print the same data as in Example 1, “ABC123”, using Code
Sets that allow a mixture of alphanumeric character and numeric pairs. The bar code will be 20mm high
without human readable text.
Escape Sequence: ESC z 2 7 160 Start A A B C 1 Switch C 2 3
Hexadecimal: 1B 7A 32 07 A0 87 41 42 43 31 83 32 33
UCC/EAN-128 Specifications
Description: The UCC/EAN-128 specification is an internationally recognized format for
application identifiers in code 128 bar codes. The bar code symbology is identical to
Code 128. Only recognized bodies of the UCC or EAN may assign application
identifiers. For more information visit www.ean-int.org and www.uc-council.org.
Character set: 256 ASCII via three Code Sets and an “Extend” function.
Elements per symbol: 6 (3 bars, 3 spaces)
Character density: 9.1 CPI
Bar width: 0.25mm
Example: The following escape sequence prints an all numeric bar code containing “1234” in an EAN-128
format that is 10mm high followed by human readable text.
Escape Sequence: ESC Z 2 6 80 FNC1 1 2 3 4
Hexadecimal: 1B 5A 32 06 50 86 31 32 33 34
UPC/EAN/JAN Specifications
Description: Each symbol starts with Leading Quiet Zone, followed with Left Guard Bars, Left
Data Symbols, Center Bar Pattern, Right Data Symbols, Check Character, ending with
Right Guard Bars and Trailing Quiet Zone. The UPC, EAN/JAN-8, EAN/JAN-13
specifications comprise an internationally recognized format for application identifiers.
Unlike the UCC/EAN-128 specification, these identifiers are intended for point-of-sale
applications. Only recognized bodies of the UCC and EAN may assign application
identifiers. For more information visit www.ean-int.org and www.uc-council.org.
Character set: numeric - fixed length as follows:
• UPC-A – Requires 12 digits. The first 11 will be printed and the 12
will be
replaced by a check digit calculated by the printer.
• UPC-E – Requires 7 digits. (The check digit will be added by the printer.)
• EAN/JAN-8 – Requires 8 digits. The first 7 will be printed and the 8
will be
replaced by a check digit calculated by the printer.
• EAN/JAN-13: – Requires 13 digits. The first 12 will be printed and the 13
be replaced by a check digit calculated by the printer.