Performing Advanced Configuration
Hardware Configuration Reset (CHRP)
Hardware Configuration Reset Status is a parameter that defines the hardware configuration reset behavior of the AP
(i.e., what effect pressing the reload button has on an AP operating in normal operating mode).
If a user loses or forgets the AP’s HTTP/Telnet/SNMP password, the reset button on the AP provides a way to reset
the AP to default configuration values to gain access to the AP. However, in AP deployments where physical access to
the AP is not protected, an unauthorized person could reset the AP to factory defaults and thus gain control of the AP.
The user can disable the hardware configuration reset functionality to prevent unauthorized access.
The hardware configuration reset feature operates as follows:
• When hardware configuration reset is enabled, the user can press the hardware reload button for 10 seconds
when the AP is in normal operational mode in order to delete the AP configuration.
• When hardware configuration reset is disabled, pressing the reload button when the AP is in normal operational
mode does not have any effect on the AP.
• The hardware configuration reset parameter does not have any effect on the functionality of the reload button to
delete the AP image during AP boot loaded execution.
• The default hardware configuration reset status is enabled. When disabling hardware configuration reset, the user
is recommended to configure a configuration reset password. A configuration reset option appears on the serial
port during boot up, before the AP reads its configuration and initializes.
• Whenever the AP is reset to factory default configuration, hardware configuration reset status is enabled and the
configuration reset password is set to the default, “public”.
• If secure mode is enabled in the AP, only secure (SSL, SNMPv3, SSH) users can modify the values of the
Hardware Configuration Reset Status and the configuration reset password.
Configuration Reset via Serial Port During Bootup
If hardware configuration reset is disabled, the user gets prompted by a configuration reset option to reset the AP to
factory defaults during boot up from the serial interface. By pressing a key sequence (ctrl-R), the user gets prompted to
enter a configuration reset password before the configuration is reset.
It is important to safely store the configuration reset password. If a user forgets the configuration reset
password, the user will be unable to reset the AP to factory default configuration if the AP becomes
inaccessible and the hardware configuration reset functionality is disabled.