
Performing Advanced Configuration
Points to the IP address of the management station. The Access Points on detecting a new Access Point sends a RAD
Scan Result Trap to the management station.
An example network deployment is shown. The Trusted AP has Rogue Access Detection enabled and the trap host is
configured to be the management station. The Trusted AP on detecting the Rogue AP will send a trap to the
management station with the Channel and BSSID of the Rogue Access Point.
Configuring RAD
Perform this procedure to enable and configure RAD.
The RAD screen also displays the time of the last scan and the number of new access points detected in the last scan.
1. Enable the Security Alarm Group. Select the Security Alarm Group link from the RAD screen. Configure a Trap
Host to receive the list of access points detected during the scan.
2. Click Configure > Alarms > RAD.
3. Enable RAD by checking Enable Rogue AP Detection.
4. Enter the Scan Interval.
The Scan Interval specifies the time period in minutes between scans and can be set to any value between 15
and 1440 minutes.
5. Select the Scan Interface as Wireless - Slot A, Wireless - Slot B, or Both Wireless - Slots A & B.
6. Click OK.
The results of the RAD scan be viewed in the Status page in the HTTP interface.
Figure 4-19 Rogue Access Point Detection Screen