
Chapter 4 53
Dubbing to a VCR
1. Following the illustration in this chapter, connect the camcorder and the VCR.
2. Press in the Lock button while setting the camcorder’s Power switch to
, turn on
the VCR’s power, and insert the appropriate tapes in the camcorder and the VCR.
3. Make sure the VCR is in the appropriate AUX mode and the Record-Pause mode.
4. Use the camcorder’s Play mode to find a spot just before the edit-in point. Once it is
reached, press
on the camcorder.
5. When you’re ready to start recording, press
on the camcorder and press the
appropriate record button on the VCR.
6. When you want to stop recording, press the VCR’s pause button and press
the camcorder.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for additional editing, then stop the VCR and camcorder
when finished.