Advanced Features
Chapter 5 75
• Select OFF to record in normal mode suitable for
standard TVs.
• Select CINEMA to insert black bands on the top
and bottom of the screen.
Note: During playback on wide screen TVs, the
black bands are cut and the screen ratio
becomes 16x9. A icon appears in the
camcorder’s LCD or viewfinder. During playback/
recording on standard 4x3 TVs, viewfinders, or
monitors, black bands appear like a letterbox
16x9 movie.
• Select SQUEEZE for playback on TVs with a 16x9
aspect ratio. This naturally expands the image to fit
the screen without distortion. A
icon appears on
the camcorder’s LCD or viewfinder. In this mode,
playback on a standard 4x3 TV, monitor, or
viewfinder will display an elongated image.