4-1 Flow of Engraving Operations
Chapter 4 Engraving
Performing Engravings
When all the preparations are complete, send the engraving data from the computer and carry out
☞ P. 76, “Performing Engraving”
Setting the XY Origin Point
Set the engraving origin point for the X and Y axes.
☞ P. 75, “Setting the XY Origin Point (Home Position)”
Cutter Installation and Basic Engraving Settings
Install the cutter to use for engraving. On this machine, you also set the Z-axis engraving origin
point at this time. The methods you use for installation and the settings differ depending on
whether you’re using the nose unit and on the cutter type. This manual describes the following
four variations. Use these as a reference to select the optimal cutter for the purpose and use the
appropriate methods for installing the cutter and making the settings.
➢ Character cutter or flat cutter (with the nose unit)
☞ P. 56, “Cutter Installation Method 1 (With Nose Unit)”
➢ Character cutter or flat cutter (no nose unit)
☞ P. 62, “Cutter Installation Method 2 (No Nose Unit)”
➢ Diamond scraper
☞ P. 67, “Cutter Installation Method 3”
➢ End mill
☞ P. 71, “Cutter Installation Method 4 (End mill)”