4-6 Cutter Installation Method 3 (Diamond Scraper)
Chapter 4 Engraving
Secure the diamond scraper in place.
Tighten the mounting screw for the cutter
holder. For the amount of extension of the tip
of the diamond scraper, a value of about 10
millimeters may work well.
This completes the installation of the cutter. Go on to page 75, “Setting the XY Origin Point (Home Position)."
Cutter holder
Mounting screw
Storage methods for diameter-3.175 mm cutters
When you want to perform repeated use while keeping the amount of extension of the diamond scraper tip constant, then
once you’ve decided on the amount of extension, we recommend removing the cutter holder and diamond scraper from
the spindle unit without separating them from one another. Storing the assembly without changing the position of the
cutter holder eliminates the need to determine the amount of cutter extension each time with every use.
Remove the entire cutter-holder assembly from the spindle unit. Store without changing the position of the
cutter holder.
Diamond Scraper
If diamond scraper insertion is difficult
If the diamond scraper catches on the solid collet and is difficult to
insert, loosening the cutter holder makes insertion easier. Note that
inserting it with undue force may result in damage to the workpiece.
After inserting the diamond scraper, tighten the cutter holder again.
Loosen the cutter holder.