
28 Installing the RSA RADIUS Server September 2005
5 Type y when you are asked to confirm that you want to uninstall the
RSA RADIUS Server software.
Confirm removal of sbr-rsa_1.0-1 (y/n) [y]? y
Removing /etc/rc2.d/S90radius script.
Removing /etc/rc2.d/K90radius script.
Removal of <RSARadius> was successful.
RSARadius removed.
Migration Log File
If the RSA RADIUS Server migration utility (rsainstalltool) encounters a
problem while it is running, it records the problem in the
tprsMigReg.log file,
which is stored in the RSA RADIUS Server directory (
/opt/rsa/radius by
Log for RSA to SBR Install Utility.
Install Date:07/15/2005 Install Time:12:52:55
INFO: SBR Radius services directory is /opt/rsa/radius/
INFO: Host Name phobos != DNS Name phobos.mars.com,
Replacing Host Name
INFO: SBR Radius server name is phobos.mars.com
INFO: SBR Radius server IP Address is
INFO: SBR Radius server port is 1813
INFO: Attempting to Locate RSA Server
INFO: RSA Server is Remote. Attempting to Locate Key
and Certificate Files.
INFO: Copying RSA files from /export/home/ecarter/RSA/
to /opt/rsa/radius/
ERROR: server.cer not found