38 Using RSA RADIUS Administrator September 2005
Web Menu
Table 10 describes the functions of each entry in the Web menu in the
RSA RADIUS Administrator.
Help Menu
Table 11 describes the functions of each entry in the Help menu in the
RSA RADIUS Administrator.
RSA RADIUS Administrator Toolbar
After you log on to the RSA RADIUS Server, you can use the toolbar (Figure 5)
to manipulate RSA RADIUS Administrator objects. The buttons on the
RSA RADIUS Administrator toolbar change when you change panels to provide
buttons appropriate for the current context.
Table 10. Web Menu Options
Menu Entry Function
More about RSA
Opens the Funk Software webpage.
NAS Vendor Information Opens the Funk RADIUS/AAA Compatibility Guide
webpage, which lets you review information about remote
access devices and wireless LAN devices made by
third-party vendors.
Table 11. Help Menu Options
Menu Entry Function
Contents Opens the online help for the RSA RADIUS Administrator
Manuals Displays the RSA RADIUS Server 6.1 Administrator’s
Guide or RSA RADIUS Server 6.1 Reference Guide (in
PDF format).
About Displays the About RSA RADIUS Administrator window,
which lists version information for the
RSA RADIUS Administrator. For more information, see
“Displaying Version Information” on page 43.