
Dot Pitch
The monitor and screen consist of red, green and blue dots. A shorter distance between the dots
produces a higher resolution. Dot pitch refers to the distance between the shortest distance between
dots of the same color. Dot pitch is measured in millimeters.
Vertical Frequency
The monitor displays a single image many times per second (like a fluorescent light that flickers) to
display an image for a viewer to see. The rate of a single image being displayed repeatedly per second
is called vertical frequency or refresh rate. Vertical frequency is measured in Hz.
E.g. 60Hz refers to a single image being displayed 60 times in one second.
Horizontal Frequency
The time required to scan a single line from the left to the right side of the screen is called a horizontal
cycle. The reciprocal number of a horizontal cycle is called horizontal frequency. Horizontal frequency
is measured in kHz.
Plug & Play
Plug & Play is a function that allows the automatic exchange of information between a monitor and PC
to produce an optimum display environment. The product uses VESA DDC (international standard) to
execute Plug & Play.
Resolution is the number of horizontal dots (pixels) and vertical dots (pixels) that form a screen. It
represents the level of display detail. A higher resolution enables more data to be displayed on the
screen and is useful to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
E.g. A resolution of 1920 X 1080 consists of 1,920 horizontal pixels (horizontal resolution) and 1,080
vertical pixels (vertical resolution).
DVD(Digital Versatile Disc)
DVD refers to a CD-sized mass storage disk where you can save multimedia (audio, video or game)
applications using MPEG-2 video compression technology.
HDMI(High Definition Multimedia Interface)
It is an interface that can be connected to a digital audio source as well as a high-definition video
source by using a single cable without compression.