6 System
6.6 Security
MENU [] System Security ENTER
[ ]
Every time you access the Security functions, the PIN screen will appear and the default PIN number is
“0-0-0-0". The PIN screen closes and the Security menu appears.
6.6.1 Program Rating Lock (Off / On)
When turned on, the Program Rating Lock feature can automatically block programs that you deem
inappropriate for your children. You must enter a PIN (personal identification number) before you can set
or change any of the Program Rating Lock restrictions.
z Program Rating Lock is not available in HDMI, Component or PC mode.
z The default PIN number for a new product set is “0-0-0-0”.
z TV Rating: You can block TV programs based on their ratings. This function allows you to control
what your children can watch. TV Rating displays a grid with locks. The following categories are on
the left side.
TV-Y: Young children / TV-Y7: Children 7 and over / TV-G: General audience / TV-PG: Parental
guidance / TV-14: Viewers 14 and over / TV-MA: Mature audience
The following categories are on top
z ALL: Lock all TV ratings. / FV: Fantasy violence / V: Violence / S: Sexual situation / L: Adult
Language / D: Sexually Suggestive Dialog
z To block certain content, you select a lock, and press [ ] (That is, you “click it”.). For example,
click the lock at the intersection of V and TV-MA, and you block all programs that are rated violent
and for mature adults. The locks are also assigned to related groups. For example, if you click
TV-Y under All, then TV-Y7 will also automatically be blocked. Similarly, if you click TV-G under
ALL, then all the categories in the young adult group will be blocked (TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14 and
TV-MA). The sub-ratings (D, L, S, V) work similarly. So, if you block the L sub-rating in TV-PG,
then the L sub-ratings in TV-14 and TV-MA will automatically be blocked.
z To unblock a category, click the lock. To unblock all the categories in a row, click the lock under
The displayed image may differ depending on the model.
Program Rating Lock
Change PIN