CHAPTER 7. Ошибка! Стиль не определен.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
7.2.4 Changing System Setting
Since the OfficeServ 7100 system is equipped with the web server of WebMMC, it
supports the remote access through the network. The system administrator can change the
system setting after getting access to WebMMC by using a browser.
This section describes how to access the OfficeServ 7100 system.
If the in-housing network is established, connect LAN to the LAN port of the MCP board
and attempt the access in a client PC.
Setting Network parameter by using the MMC830 program
Set the network parameter of the OfficeServ 7100 system. For the setting value of the
network parameter, contact the network administrator.
1) Set the IP address of the OfficeServ 7100 system.
2) Set the subnet mask of the OfficeServ 7100 system.
3) Set the gateway address of the OfficeServ 7100 system.
4) Reset the board.
About the board reset
To apply new setting, the board should be reset.