
CHAPTER 8. Ошибка! Стиль не определен.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
8.3 Numbering Extensions and C.O. Lines
Once the OfficeServ 7100 system is booted, the MP10/11 board verifies the boards
mounted on each slot and saves this information as the default configuration of the system.
C.O. line numbers from 701 are sequentially assigned to the C.O. line board mounted on
Slot 1 of the basic cabinet, and following numbers are continuously assigned to the next
board of the next slot. This numbering process continues until the C.O. line numbers are
assigned to all C.O. lines. However, only the numbers from 701 to 799 are assigned when using
3 digits
Extension numbers from 201 are sequentially assigned to the extension board mounted on
Slot 1 of the basic cabinet, and following numbers are continuously assigned to the next
extension board of the next slot. This numbering process continues until the extension
numbers are assigned to all extensions. However, only the numbers from 201 to 349 are
assigned when using 3 digits.
The last port of the first 8DLI or 16DLI2 board is assigned to the attendant group as default.
All C.O. lines ring this attendant extension unless the default value is changed. Thus, a
phone with an LCD panel should be connected to the last port of the first 8DLI board.
Numbers between 500-549 are assigned to an extension group.
The numbers of C.O. lines, extensions, or extension groups can be changed using the MMC
724 program.