[Name] Execute partial cut
[Format] ASCII ESC m
Hex 1B 6D
Decimal 27 109
[Description] Execute partial cut with one point uncut
ESC p m t1 t2
[Name] Generate pulse
[Format] ASCII ESC p m t1 t2
Hex 1B 70 m t1 t2
Decimal 27 112 m t1 t2
[Range] m = 0, 1, 48, 49
0 ≤ t1 ≤ 255
0 ≤ t2 ≤ 255
[Description] Outputs the pulse specified by t1 and t2 to connector pin
m as follows:
n Connector Pin
0 Drawer kick-out connector pin 2
1 Drawer kick-out connector pin 5
The pulse ON time is [ t1 x 2] ms and the OFF time is [ t2 x 2] ms.
• When t2 < t1, the printer processes t1 x 2 ms.
ESC r n
[Name] Select print color
[Format] ASCII ESC r n
Hex 1B 72 n
Decimal 27 114 n
[Range] n = 0, 1, 48, 49
[Description] Selects the print color.
n Selected color
0, 48 Black
1, 49 Red
• Valid only when input at the beginning of a line.
[Default] n = 0
ESC t n
[Name] Select character code table
[Format] ASCII ESC t n
Hex 1B 74 n
Decimal 27 116 n
[Range] n = 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23
[Description] Selects a page n from the character code table.
n Page
0 PC437
2 PC850
3 PC860
4 PC863
5 PC865
16 PC1252
17 PC866
18 PC852
19 PC858
21 PC862
22 PC864
23 PC874
[Default] n = 0