iv ST43401N/ND, ST43402ND User’s Manual, Rev. B
Important safety information and precautions
Caution. Use forced-air ventilation when bench-testing the drive to ensure
proper cooling of drive components.
Use proper safety and repair techniques for safe, reliable operation of this unit.
Service should be done only by qualified persons. We recommend the
procedures in this manual as effective ways of servicing the unit. Some
procedures require the use of special tools. For proper maintenance and
safety, you must use these tools as recommended.
The procedures in this manual and labels on the unit contain warnings and
cautions that must be carefully read and followed to minimize or eliminate the
risk of personal injury. The warnings point out conditions or practices that may
endanger you or others. The cautions point out conditions or practices that
may damage the unit, possibly making it unsafe for use.
You must also understand that these warnings and cautions are not exhaus-
tive. We cannot possibly know, evaluate, and advise you of all the ways in
which maintenance might be performed or the possible risk of each technique.
Consequently, we have not completed any such broad evaluation. If you use
a non-approved procedure or tool, first ensure that the method you choose will
not risk either your safety or unit performance.
Always observe the following warnings and precautions:
• Perform all maintenance by following the procedures in this manual.
• Follow all cautions and warnings in the procedures.
• Use sound safety practices when operating or repairing the unit.
• Use caution when troubleshooting a unit that has voltages present. Remove
power from the unit before servicing it.
• Wear safety shoes when removing or replacing heavy parts.
• Ensure that the internal temperature of the rack or cabinet will not exceed
the limits defined for the drive when the drive is mounted in an equipment
rack or cabinet. When units are stacked vertically, pay special attention to
the top where temperatures are usually highest.
• Follow the precautions listed under “Electrostatic discharge protection.”