
48 ST43401N/ND, ST43402ND User’s Manual, Rev. B
continued from previous page
LED or indicator Function
SCSI I/O board
SCSI port A enabled This LED is on steady when port A is enabled to
(green) receive SCSI commands and to transfer data on
this port.
SCSI port B enabled This LED is on steady when port B is enabled to
(green) receive SCSI commands and to transfer data on
this port.
SCSI port A active This LED is on when port B is actively executing a
(red) SCSI command.
This LED is off when port B does not have a SCSI
command to execute.
Operating instructions
Following initial checkout, the drive normally requires no attention from the
operator. DC power is available to the drive, as the On/Standby switch on the
power supply is normally left in the On ( l ) position.
If you wish to verify that the drive has completed its power-on sequence,
access the drive and then check that its Ready LED is on steady and that the
Heartbeat LED is blinking (see Figure 22 for ST43401N/ND drives or Figure
23 for ST43402ND drives).
If the Start Command option was selected (using a circuit board jumper), the
Stop/Start Unit command must be used to start and stop the drive.
If the Start Command option was not selected, once the drive has been
started, the Stop/Start Unit command can be used to stop and later restart the