Adiusfing the Controls
Two controls let you regulate the temperature in the
fresh food and freezer compartments.
At first, set the fresh food and freezer controls at the
center of the "NORM" range.
Allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize,
whether you are setting the controls for the first time
or adjusting them later. Then, if you want colder or
warmer temperatures in either compartment, adjust
the controls one step at a time_
Note: Moving the fresh food control to OFF turns off
cooling in both compartments--fresh food and
freezer--but does not shut off power to the
How to Test Temperatures
Use the rnillk test for the fresh food
compartment. Place a container of milk on the top
shelf in the fresh food compartment. Check it a day
later° If the milk is too warm or too cold, adjust the
temperature controls.
Use the ice cream test for the freezer
compartment. Place a container of ice cream in
the center of the freezer compartment. Check it
after a day. If it's too hard or too soft, adjust the
temperature controls,
Turning Your Household Thermostat
Below 60°1=. at Night?
You may want to move the freezer control one step
colder. Cooler temperatures in the house may cause
the compressor to operate less frequently, thus
allowing the freezer compartment to warm
To protect your frozen food supply, leave your freezer
control at this new, colder setting for the entire winter
or for as long as you keep your thermostat turned
Moving the freezer control to a colder setting should
have no effect on your fresh food compartment_
However, if freezing occurs, move the numbered
control one step warmer.
When you stop turning the household thermostat
down at night, move the refrigerator temperature
controls back to their regular settings.
Energy-Saving Tips
= Don't open the doors more often than necessary.
• Close the doors as soon as possible, particularly in
hot, humid weather.
• Be sure the doors are closed tightly. Before leaving
the house or retiring for the night, check to be sure
the doors haven't been left open accidentally.
• Store only those foods requiring refrigeration in
your refrigerator.
• Wipe moisture from bottles and cartons before
putting them in the refrigerator°
• Keep foods covered to reduce moisture buildup
inside the refrigerator,
• If you move the controls to the coldest position for
quick chilling or freezing, be sure to move them back
to regular settings.
= Don't overcrowd your refrigerator. Overcrowding
can require extra electrical energy to keep
everything cool