Food Storage Suggestions
Suggested Storage Times
Eating quality drops REFRIGERATOR FREEZER
after time shown AT AT
35 ° to 40°F. O°F.
Fresh Meats
Roasts (Beef g Lamb) ...... 3 to 5 6 to 12
Roasts (Pork & Veal) ....... 3 to S 4 to 8
Steaks (Beef) ............. 3 to S 6 to 12
Chops (Lamb) ........... 3 to 5 6 to 9
Chops (Pork) ............... 3 to 5 3 to 4
Ground 8, Stew Meats ..... 1 to 2 3 to 4
Variety Meats .............. 1 to 2 3 to 4
Sausage (Pork) ........... 1 to 2 1 to 2
Processed Meats
Bacon ................. 7 1
Frankfurters ............ 7 _/=
Ham (Whole) ............. 7 1 to 2
Ham (Half) .................. 3 to S 1 to 2
Ham (Slices) ............... 3 I to 2
Luncheon Meats .......... 3 to 5 Freezing
Sausage (Smoked) .......... 7 not recom-
Sausage (Dry & Semi_Dry) , 14 to 21 mended°
Cooked Meats
Cooked Meats and
Meat Dishes ........... 3 to 4 2 to 3
Gravy 8, Meat Broth ........ 1 to 2 2 to 3
Fresh Poultry
Chicken 8,Turkey (Whole) , I to 2 12
Chicken (Pieces) ......... I to 2 9
Turkey (Pieces) ............ I to 2 6
Duck 8'Goose (Whole) .... ! to 2 6
Giblets ................... 1 to 2 3
Cooked Poultry
Pieces (Covered with Broth) I to 2 6
Pieces (Not Covered) ...... 3 to 4 1
Cooked Poultry Dishes , __ 3 to 4 4 to 6
Fried Chicken ............ 3 io 4 4
(Other than for meats & poultry) FREEZER
Most fruits and vegetables .............. 8-12 months
Lean fish ................................ 6-8 months
Fatty fish, rolls and breads,
soups, stew, casseroles ............ 2-3 months
Cakes, pies, sandwiches,
leftovers (cooked),
Ice cream (original carton) ........... I month max.
Meats, fish and poultry purchased from the store
vary in quality and age; consequently, safe storage
times in your refrigerator will vary.
New techniques are constantly being developed,
Consult the College or County Extension Service or
your local Utility Company for the latest information
on freezing and storing foods.
Fresh Food Storage Tips
To store unfrozen me=is, f_sh and poultry:
Always remove store wrappings°
e Rewrap in foil, film or wax paper and refrigerate
To store cheese, wrap well with wax paper or
aluminum foil, or put in a plastic bag,
• Carefully wrap to expel air and help prevent mold.
• Stere pro-packaged cheese in its own wrapping if
you wish_
To store roger=hies, use the vegetable drawers--
they've been designed to preserve the natural
moisture and freshness of produce,
oCovering vegetables with a moist towel helps
maintain crispness,
• As a further aid to freshness, pro-packaged
vegetables can be stored in their original wrapping,
3"ostore ice ere=m--Fine-quality ice cream, with
high cream content, will normally require slightly
lower temperatures than more "airy" already-
packaged brands with low cream content.
o It wilt be necessary to experiment to determine the
freezer compartment location and temperature
control setting to keep your ice cream at the right
serving femperatureo
• The rear of the freezer compartment is slightly
colder than the front_
Tips on freezing foods
There are three essential requirements for efficient
............... o"
1. Initial qu=llty. Freeze only top-quality foods,
Freezing retains quality and flavor; it cannot improve
2. Speed. The quicker fruits and vegetables are
frozen after picking, the better the frozen product
will be. You'll save time, too, with less culling and
sorting to do,
3. Proper packaging. Use food wraps designed
especially for freezing; they're readily available at
most food stores.
(continued next page)