DART 300 Migration Guide Difference Summary
2110291 Rev 1.0 Page 12
3.1.3. Packet Service Interfaces
The DART 300 does not include TELNET or PING generation support found in the DART 200.
The DART 300 will reply to PINGs but cannot generate them internally.
The DART 300 adds support for PPP connections.
DART 200 DART 300
SLIP Interface RFC 1055
SLIP header compression
RFC 1055
SLIP header compression is
NOT supported.
PPP Interface N/A
RFC 1661, RFC 1662,
RFC 1332
UDP PAD Interface RFC 768 PCCA STD-101
TCP PAD Interface RFC 793 PCCA STD-101
TELNET RFC 854, RFC 1123 Not available.
Responds if registered.
Can generate continuously.
Responds if registered.
CANNOT generate PINGs.
3.1.4. Modem Control Interface
DART 200 DART 300
AT Command
Hayes compatible with CDPD
Hayes compatible with PCCA
Wireless Extensions
Object Management
Access to OMI type data via its
on board diagnostic functions
in AT command mode
SWI Proprietary access in SLIP
or PPP service data states only.
Not available in AT command
Remotely accessible using the
GroupWatcherâ„¢ application
from Sierra Wireless.
A comparative AT Command Reference is found in Section 4.