This is a parameter group used to set the raster data plotting conditions.
Set the reduction mode to reduce binary image data. This setting is
performed on the third hierarchy.
<Parameter (choice input method)> : Default value
LINE DRAW. MODE Lines are ensured when binary image data is reduced.
PICTURE MODE Density is ensured when binary image data is reduced.
(Lines are simply thinned out.)
Specifies the multi-valued image data screening method.
This setting is performed on the third hierarchy.
<Parameter (choice input method)> : Default value
LINE DRAW. MODE Screening appropriate to line drawing is performed for
multi-valued image data.
GRAPHICS MODE Screening appropriate to computer graphics is
performed for the multi-valued image data.
PICTURE MODE Screening appropriate to pictures is performed for the
multi-valued image data. This mode requires a little
more time than the GRAPHIC and PICTURE MODEs
for the treatment.