Menu Bar
The menu bar for the MIB-2 Viewer provides five key menus, namely, File, Edit, Search, Window and Help.
Clicking on any of these items will open a pull-down menu from which you can invoke corresponding commands.
MIB-2 Directory
The information displayed in the MIB-2 directory is presented in easily understood graphic windows. A few of
these windows are fully described below. For further details on the other directory entries, please refer to textual
descriptions provided by the MIB Browser.
System Information
System information is extracted from the System Group in MIB II
(RFC 1213). It provides data on the SNMP agent installed on the device
being monitored.
System Information Window
System Information provides data on the SNMP agent.
Field Descriptions for System Information Window
Table 6-2 MIB-2 Viewer Menu Bar
Menu Description
File Contains commands to open and save report files (New Output, Open File, Save Output, Save Output As),
and to exit the host management program (Exit).
Edit* Contains standard editing commands used in conjunction with the Output Window.
Search* Contains editing commands used to find or replace specified text in the Output Window.
Window Contains standard commands for arranging your windows (Cascade, Tile) and icons (Arrange Icons), or
switching to another window.
Help Used to invoke available on-line help functions, or to display the revision number for your current version of
* Only displayed in conjunction with the Output Window.
Table 6-3 Field Descriptions for System Information Window
Field Description
Description Name of the management agent, version number and release date.
Object ID Unique identifier for device model.