
11. You can modify the value of variables for which you have write access
(as indicated in MIB definition’s Access field). Once you have located the
required variable, click the Set Request button to open the Input Value
dialog box. The object and object type, as defined in the MIB, are listed in
this box. Input the new value, ensuring that you use the correct type (as
indicated in MIB definition’s Type field). Then click OK to write this value
into the managed device, or Cancel to abort the change.
12. If you need to pause/resume or discontinue a data request, click on the
appropriate buttons in the toolbar.
13. To open the Log Manager select Log from the SNMP menu from the
menu bar. Then have the Log Manager periodically record values for
device variables or set thresholds to trigger events when conditions are
met. To pass a request to the Log Manager, select the MIB variable from
the SNMP tree you want to log by highlighting it with your mouse. Then
select Log from the SNMP menu to open the Log Information dialog box.
Input the required information to provide precise control over logging
operations. Then Click the Ok button and the Log Manager dialog box
will appear.
Pa us e Res u m e A b o rt