MODE SELECT 6.Command Specification
SONY AIT-3Ex drive SDX-800V series Ver.1.1 6-53
6.7.9. Delete Partition (33h) (This mode page is NOT
Table 6-48: Delete Partition Page
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Reserved Page Code (33h)
1 Page Length (8)
2 Indicated Partition Number
3 Reserved
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
SDX-800V rewinds the tape to Bottom of Active Partition, after Delete Partition.
Note 1: The Delete Partition Command is available in the AIT mode and only for an AIT mode cassette.
Note 2: The Indicated Partition Number value specifies the partition number above which partitions are to be
deleted. Consequently, the value cannot represent the last, open-ended partition on tape. The specified
partition itself is converted into an open-ended partition with its data contents preserved.
Note 3: Delete Partition is System area in the Active partition.
Case 1;
With the tape already loaded, and with partition 5 active, the Delete Partition command issued with the Indicated
partition Number set to 5 (the last partition) will be rejected with CHECK CONDITION (Illegal parameter). See Notes
2 and 3.
Active Partition
Partition 0 Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 Partition 4 Partition 5
Indicated Partition Number
Case 2;
With the tape already loaded, and with partition 4 active, the Delete Partition command issued with the Indicated
Partition Number set to 4 will delete partition 5. SDX-800V will change the value of 5 in the Last Partition Number
field in the Volume Information in MIC to 4. No tape motion will take place. The new last partition - partition 4 - will
become open-ended, spanning up to the EOM.
After the completion of this command, the Unit Attention condition will be set for other Initiators, with ASC/ASCQ set
to 2A01, Mode Parameters changed, and Mode Sense Page 11h will show the following: