6.Command Specification READ ATTRIBUTE
6-68 SONY AIT-3Ex drive SDX-800V series Ver.1.1
Table 6-64: READ ATTRIBUTE service action codes
Code Name Description
00h Attribute Values Return attribute values.
01h Attribute List
Returns a list of available attribute identifiers, identifiers
that are not in the nonexistent or unsupported state.
02h Volume List Return a list of known Volume Numbers.
03h Partition List Return a list of known Partition Numbers.
04h Reserved for SMC-2
05h – 1Fh Reserved
The VOLUME NUMBER specifies a volume within the Medium Auxiliary Memory. The number of volumes of the
MAM shall equal that of the attached multi-volume medium. If the medium only has a single volume, then its volume
number shall be zero.
The PARTITION NUMBER specifies a partition within a volume. The number of partitions of the MAM shall equal
that of the attached multi-partition medium. If the medium only has a single partition, then its partition number shall
be zero.
If the combination of VOLUME NUMBER and PARTITION NUMBER is not valid, the command shall be terminated
with CHECK CONDITION status. The sense key shall be set to ILLEGAL REQUEST, and the additional sense data
shall be set to INVALID FIELD IN CDB.
The FIRST ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER field specifies the attribute identifier of the first attribute to be returned. If the
specified attribute identifier is in the unsupported or nonexistent state, the READ ATTRIBUTE shall be terminated
with a CHECK CONDITION status. The sense key shall be set to ILLEGAL REQUEST, and the additional sense
data shall be set to INVALID FIELD IN CDB.
The ALLOCATION LENGTH field specifies how many bytes have been allocated of the first attribute to be returned.
If the length is not sufficient to contain the entire parameter list, the first portion of the list shall be returned. This shall
not be considered an error. If the remainder of the list is required, the application client should either send a new
READ ATRRIBUTE command with an ALLOCATION LENGTH field large enough to contain the entire parameter list
or use the FIRST ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER field to restrict the attributes returned.
The format of parameter data returned by the READ ATTRIBUTE command depends on the service action
6.13.1. ATTRIBUTE VALUES service action
The READ ATTRIBUTE command with ATTRIBUTE VALUES service action returns parameter data containing the
in the CDB. The returned parameter data shall contain the requested attributes in ascending numerical order by
attribute identifier value and in the format shown in table 6-65.