Soundscape Mixpander
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IMPORTANT: The computer must always be restarted after the SSL Soundscape Device
Driver has been updated or removed.
NOTE: The SSL Soundscape Device Driver only can also be removed by opening the Windows
Control Panel, clicking “Add or Remove Programs”, selecting “SSLSoundscape Driver (remove
only)”,clickingtheChange/Removebuttonandfollowing theon‐screeninstructions.
Configuring a multiple unit system
The SSL Soundscape Mixer software can support multiple SSL Soundscape Mixpander cards. The
cards are identified as Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 and so on.
All the cards in a multiple unit system must be synchronized to the same Master Clock signal,
which can be provided by one of the connected XLogic Alpha-Link units.
WordClock connections can be established between the WordClock connectors of the Alpha-link
units to distribute the Clock signal.
Before attempting to configure a multiple unit system, please read the Settings Menu chapter of
the SSL Soundscape Mixer Reference Guide for more information on Master Clock settings.