Chapter 3 Setting Up the Sun Fire X4150 Server 33
■ Manages the inventory of hot-pluggable system components
Refer to the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager Users Guide for detailed information.
ILOM 3.0 Documentation
ILOM 3.0 is now available for the Sun Fire X4150 server. ILOM 3.0 documentation is
available in the ILOM 3.0 documentation collection:
ILOM 2.0 documentation is also available at:
In addition, product-specific supplements are available for the Sun Fire X4150 server
in the ILOM Supplements section of the Sun Fire X4150 server documentation set.
Connecting to the LOM Service
Processor for the First Time
This section describes how to connect to the ILOM or the ELOM SP for initial setup
and configuration. It also includes an overview on SP interfaces and connections.
Initial LOM Setup Overview
The following process allows a user to connect to the ILOM or ELOM SP for initial
setup and configuration. Instructions are included for both ELOM and ILOM as
Use the following procedures to establish a serial connection to the LOM service
processor and configure the LOM service processor IP address for the first time.
■ “Connecting to the LOM Service Processor for the First Time” on page 33
■ “Method 1: Access the BIOS” on page 34
■ “Method 2: Connect to the Service Processor Using a Serial Connection” on page 35
■ “Determining the LOM Service Processor IP Address” on page 34
■ “Method 2: Using the Serial Connection” on page 38
■ “Method 3: Using the Service Processor (SP) LOM Web Browser Interface” on
page 40