50 Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
Refer to the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager Users Guide for detailed
3. Follow the Solaris 10 preinstallation onscreen instructions.
4. Type the system and network information when prompted. See
TABLE 4-1 for
collected information.
The displayed screens can vary, depending on how you chose to assign network
information to the server (DHCP or static IP address).
5. After the system configuration information has been entered, the OS
installation continues. On completion, the system reboots and displays the
Solaris OS login.
Redirect the Console Output to the Video Port
You must complete the procedure “Configuring the Solaris OS” on page 49 and be
logged in to the service processor (SP) before you can redirect the console output to
the video port. This procedure is optional.
Note – The Solaris GRUB menu allows you to manually select graphics adapter
redirection during the boot process. If not chosen within 30 seconds after the GRUB
menu is displayed, the system defaults to serial redirection (ttya).
1. Reboot the system.
2. To enable video output, choose Solaris Build - Graphics Adapter from the
GRUB menu Changing Default Console Output.
Using the GRUB Menu
The preinstalled Solaris 10 OS image directs console output to the serial port by
default. After the initial configuration of the preinstalled Solaris OS is complete, you
can modify the Solaris 10 GRUB menu to direct output to the video port by default.
Caution – This procedure is intended only for advanced users of the Solaris OS.
You can seriously disrupt server operation or make the server unbootable if you
introduce a problem in the menu.lst file.
To set the video port as the default output, do the following procedure: