Prepare for Mass Storage Driver
This chapter contains instructions on preparing the necessary mass storage drivers
media for Windows Server 2003 installation.
Note – For Windows Server 2008, the Windows distribution media includes all
drivers necessary to install Windows on the Sun Blade X6250 server module. If you
are installing Windows Server 2003, you will need to supply mass storage drivers
during the installation using one of the methods described here.
Depending on the method selected in Chapter 3, you will use one of the procedures
in this chapter. See
TABLE 4-1.
Create a Floppy Disk
For the Floppy Disk Local or Floppy Disk Remote delivery method, you need to create a
floppy disk containing the mass storage drivers before proceeding with the
Windows Server 2003 installation.
Ensure that the following system configurations and materials are readily available:
TABLE 4-1 Mass Storage Driver Delivery Methods
Delivery Method Section to Read
Floppy Disk Local
“Create a Floppy Disk” on page 13
Floppy Disk Remote
“Create a Floppy Disk” on page 13
Floppy Image
“Copy the Floppy Image File” on page 17