60 Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008
Determine Required Drivers
The server-specific drivers that must be incorporated into a WIM or RIS image are
shown in
TABLE 9-1.
Add Drivers to a WIM Image
For remote installation of Windows Server 2008 using a server running Windows
Deployment Services, the mass storage controller drivers provided with Windows
Server 2008 are sufficient to install the operating system.
Before you Begin
Before creating a WIM image, you need to do the following:
■ The Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK or WAIK) must be
installed. The kit can be downloaded from Microsoft. Sun recommends using
version 2.0 or later of the WAIK.
■ Read the Windows AIK documentation.
■ Windows Remote Installation Services must be are running on a Windows Server.
Read the Windows Deployment Services snap-in documentation.
■ Locate DriverPack.zip for Windows Server 2008, see Downloading Server-
Specific Driver Packages.
TABLE 9-1 Server-specific Drivers Required for WIM or RIS Images
Incorporate for Windows Server
Incorporate for Windows Server
32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
Intel Pro/1000 EB Network with I/O
Yes Yes No No
Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB Chipset drivers Yes Yes No No
Aspeed Graphics Driver Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sun Blade RAID 5 Expansion Module
(Adaptec-based) driver
Yes Yes Yes Yes