
sunrise surf & talk: surf the Internet, send and receive e-mails- and make phone calls also without
a fi xed network connection.
It’s the new way of communicating. Suitable for anyone who wants to make calls and have cheap access to the
Internet without a fi xed network connection. From home or wherever you have access to the mobile network.
With mobile broadband from sunrise, surf the Internet with your PC or laptop at speeds up to six times that of
The sunrise surf & talk box gives you the capability to set up Internet access quickly and easily in the most varied
locations – at home, in your offi ce or on the road. Even mobile project teams can quickly and simply create the ac-
customed network environment in any location. If UMTS is not available, EDGE is selected automatically. If EDGE is
not available, the unit automatically selects GPRS.
The sunrise surf & talk box is confi gured to enable you to take advantage of Internet access via a LAN or WLAN
with multiple devices simultaneously (laptop, PDA or PC). It is possible, furthermore, to exchange data between
connected devices. You can, for example, synchronize the e-mail on your laptop and your PC, simply and securely
– regardless of whether you are using a LAN or a WLAN. The sunrise surf & talk box is already set up. All connect-
ed computers are linked together in a network and can access among each other the fi les and printers available in
the network.
The sunrise surf & talk box offers comprehensive security measures. The integrated fi rewall protects you against
attacks from the Internet. And the sunrise surf & talk box offers comprehensive protection capabilities for WLAN
networks. WEP, WPA1+2 encryption are available to you. This gives you fl exibility in deciding which type of
protection is right for you (the support for each depends on your computer‘s WLAN interface).
Simple installation
The sunrise surf & talk box is installed in a few steps. You can start surfi ng and talking in no time. Insert the SIM
card for sunrise surf & talk, connect the wall power supply and enter the PIN for the sunrise surf & talk SIM card.
Check the mobile broadband reception quality. Six luminescent bars indicate very good reception. If necessary,
change the location of the sunrise surf & talk box to improve the quality of reception. There is now nothing left to
stand between you and your surfi ng enjoyment.
sunrise surf & talk