3. Enter the desired IP addresses in the IP Address Range fi elds.
4. Click the OK button.
The connection to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface will be interrupted.
5. Reenter the IP address in your browser’s address fi eld.
How to assign static IP addresses through the DHCP server
1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out, p.25).
2. Select the Static Addresses tab in the DHCP Server menu.
3. Click the Add button.
4. In the MAC Address fi eld, enter the MAC address of the computer connected to the sunrise surf & talk box and
to which you would like to assign a static IP address.
5. In the IP Address fi eld, enter the last digits of the IP address that you wish to assign to the computer.
The fi rst part of the IP address that you are assigning is predetermined by the IP address of the sunrise surf &
talk box, as the IP addresses must come from the same address range.
6. Click the Save Address button.
You can change an assigned static IP address. Mark the entry you wish to change in the list and click the Edit
button. To delete an assigned IP address, mark the appropriate entry in the list and click the Delete button.
7. To leave the administrative interface, close your browser.
Confi guring dynamic DNS.
Note: To use the DynDNS.org service, you will need a user account at www.dyndns.org.
With the sunrise surf & talk box you can confi gure the DynDNS.org service. You can select a domain name, and
DynDNS.org will assign this name to the dynamic mobile broadband-IP address that was assigned to you by the
sunrise mobile broadband network. This will make it possible for requests from the Internet to be directed to your
dynamic mobile broadband IP address. This IP address is automatically reported to DynDNS.org every time a
mobile broadband connection is set up and, therefore, every time the sunrise surf & talk box is restarted.
sunrise surf & talk Pro settings