After training, you can see how much of the session was spent in each zone. Each zone is arange
of heart rates expressed as a percentage of your maximum heart rate (which is calculated based
on the age you enter in the Personal settings menu). Accept the settings with a short press of the
ENTER button, which also moves you on to the next menu item.
The default heart rates for zones 1-3 are 60-70%, 70-80%, and 80-90% of your maximum heart
rate, but if you are following a specially designed training program, enter the zone values thathave
been tailored towards your individual goals. The benefits of training ineach default zone areshown
in the table below.
Main benefitDefault settingHeart rate
Improves yourbasic endurance,and helps youto recoverfrom harder
training sessions. Can also be used in weight control.
60 -70% ofmaximum heart
Zone 1
Improves your aerobic capacity. This is the preferred zone if you are
training for an endurance event.
70 -80% ofmaximum heart
Zone 2
Improves yourmaximum aerobiccapacity and lactatetolerance ability
(anaerobic threshold) - meaning your maximum endurance will
improve and you'll be able to fight fatigue better.
80 -90% ofmaximum heart
Zone 3
The heart rate zone defaults follow the guidelines of the American College
of Sports Medicine for exercise prescription.