Pressing the BACK
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If Autolap is set off, the average speed shown is the average speed from
the start of the previous lap and the lap time is the time from the start of
the last lap.
Once you have finished your training, your Suunto t3 can provide you with detailed information on
your performance. In this section, we'll look at the Totalsand Logbook functions, as wellas Suunto's
online training community, www.suunto.com/training.
4.1. Training Logbook
Immediately after finishing your training, one of the first things you'll want to do is review all the
data recorded during the session. You can seeyour Training Effect, peak heart rate, average heart
rate, how many calories you burned, speed and distance information (if using an optional speed
or distance POD) and more in the Logbook submode. The Logbook can be accessed by short
pressing the START button in Time mode. Youcan use the DOWN, UP, ENTER and BACK buttons
to navigate in the menu.