DescriptionResultTraining Effect
Extremely high effect on aerobic performance if
adequate recovery allowed; should not be done
NOTE: It is important to note that the numerical TE values do not mean that a workout
with a lower numerical value is somehow worse or less significant than a workout with a
high value. Both are needed in balanced training.
TIP: Training Effect is an advanced feature and can help you in many ways. More details
about TE can be found in the Suunto Training Guide, available for download at
You can select the TE level to be shown in the TRAINING mode displays (see Section 4.4
Configuring TRAINING mode displays).
Training Effect is shown on the selected display and additionally with a scale from 1 -
5 on the right side of the screen.
Use the Training Effect calculator of the Suunto Training Manager software to define
the time and average heart rate needed for the desired physiological training effect.
For more information, see Suunto Training Manager online help.