
Heart beat analysis technology producing Training Effect is provided and
supported by Firstbeat Technologies Ltd.
5.4 Using EPOC
EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) indicates the amount of extra oxygen
that your body needs to recover after exercise. Your body consumes more oxygen after
exercise than during rest. The higher the EPOC, the more strenuous the exercise. EPOC
is most useful in measuring the exercise load in endurance sports such as running and
Suunto t6d allows you to predict EPOC already during exercise, which in turn makes it
possible to monitor the exercise load and the Training Effect.
You can select EPOC to be shown in the TRAINING mode displays (see Section 4.4
Configuring TRAINING mode displays).
Use the Suunto Training Manager software to view your individual training sessions
with their EPOC values correlated to the Training Effect level as graphs. For more
information, see Suunto Training Manager Online help.
5.5 Starting a training session
When you enter TRAINING mode, your Suunto t6d automatically searches for signals
from a transmitter belt. Once found, your heart rate is displayed on the screen. The