• Will you have to make any holes in the
body of your vehicle when you install a
trailer hitch?
If you do, remember to seal the holes
when you remove the hitch. If you do not
seal them, deadly carbon monoxide
(CO) from your exhaust can get into your
vehicle. Refer to “Engine Exhaust” in
“Starting and Operating Your Vehicle” in
the “Features and Controls” section. Dirt
and water can, too.
Safety Chains
You should always attach chains between
your vehicle and your trailer. Cross the
safety chains under the tongue of the
trailer to help prevent the tongue from con-
tacting the road if it becomes separated
from the hitch. Instructions about safety
chains may be provided by the hitch manu-
facturer or by the trailer manufacturer. Fol-
low the manufacturer’s recommendation
for attaching safety chains and do not
attach them to the bumper. Always leave
just enough slack so you can turn with your
rig. Never allow safety chains to drag on
the ground.
Trailer Brakes
If your trailer weighs more than 1000 lbs
(450 kg) loaded, then it needs its own
brakes, and they must be adequate. Be
sure to read and follow the instructions for
the trailer brakes so you will be able to
install, adjust and maintain them properly.
Because your vehicle has anti-lock brakes,
do not try to tap into your vehicle’s brake
system. If you do, both brake systems will
not work well, or at all.
Driving with a Trailer
Towing a trailer requires a certain amount
of experience. Before setting out for the
open road, you will want to get to know
If you have the liftgate open and you
pull a trailer with your vehicle, carbon
monoxide (CO) could come into your
vehicle. You cannot see or smell CO.
It can cause unconsciousness or
death. Refer to “Engine Exhaust” in
“Starting and Operating Your Vehi-
cle” in the “Features and Controls”
section. To maximize your safety
when towing a trailer:
• Have your exhaust system
inspected for leaks, and make nec-
essary repairs before starting on
your trip.
• Keep the liftgate closed.
• If exhaust does come into your
vehicle through a window in the
rear or another opening, drive with
your front, main heating or cooling
system on and with the fan on any
speed. This will bring fresh, out-
side air into your vehicle. Do not
use the climate control setting for
maximum air because it only recir-
culates the air inside your vehicle.
Refer to “Automatic Climate Con-
trol System” in “Climate Controls”
in the “Instrument Panel” section.