Follow this diagram to store the under-
body-mounted spare tire.
A. Wheel Wrench
B. Hoist Shaft
C. Secondary Retainer
D. Spare Tire
(Valve Stem Pointed Down)
1) Put the tire (D) on the ground at the
rear of the vehicle.
2) Ensure the valve stem is pointed down
and to the rear. Then pull the retainer
(C) through the wheel.
3) Pull the secondary retainer (C) through
the wheel. The secondary retainer is
located under the secondary latch
spring and is smaller than the spare tire
retainer to allow it to fit through the road
wheel center cap hole.
4) Place the wheel wrench (A) onto the
hoist drive nut.
5) Raise the tire fully against the under-
side of the vehicle by turning the wheel
wrench clockwise. Continue turning it
clockwise until you hear two clicks or
feel it skip twice. This indicates that the
tire is secure and the cable is tight. The
spare tire hoist cannot be overtight-
6) Make sure the tire is stored securely.
Push, pull (A), and then try to turn (B)
the tire. If the tire moves, use the wheel
wrench and socket end of the extension
to tighten the cable.
7) Return the equipment to the proper
location in the vehicle as shown next.