
Appendix B: Specifications B–79
Cooling System
Cooling system malfunctions are detected and a failure will result in shuttle
motion, paper motion, and printing functions being inhibited. The malfunc-
tion Hammer Voltage1 will be reported on the control panel display.
The Sound Power Level is a 9 position average, per ISO 7779. The Sound
Pressure Level is a 4 position average, per ISO 9296.
Sound Pressure Level Sound Power Level
55 dB(A) 7.0 Bel
Power Supply
The printer requires single phase, 47 to 63 Hz. 90 to 264 VAC input power. The
printer’s universal power supply automatically adjusts to the correct values. A
fuse is provided to interrupt power to the power supply. The following table
gives typical current values.
2900 Current/Wattage Requirements @ Nominal Voltage
AC Volts Freq. Average Peak Average Average
(RMS) (Hz) Operating Operating Idle (<5 min.) Idle (>5 min.)
110 50 1.0 A/055 W 2.3 A/250 W 0.3 A/35 W 0.2 A/19 W
110 60 1.0 A/105W 2.3 A/250W 0.3 A/35W 0.2 A/19 W
220 50 0.5 A/105W 1.2 A/250W 0.2 A/35W 0.1 A/19W
Heat Load Contribution
The average heat load contribution to the environment is approximately 735
BTUs per hour (215 Watts). The minimum heat load contribution is approxi-
mately 100 BTUs per hour (30 watts). The maximum is 2050 BTUs per hour
(600 Watts), under continuous full-load printing conditions.
Printing Conditions (110 VAC/60 Hz) Wattage
Power On, not printing 55 W 188
100% Uppercase Rolling ASCII 400W 1370
Black Page Plot 600 W 2050