
B–80 Operator Manual
Emulations available on the 2900 Series:
Epson DFX-9000, IBM Proprinter III XL, MTPL
Characters Per Inch
Seven basic Characters Per Inch (CPI) settings are available through the Con-
trol Panel. They include 10, 12, 13.33, 15, 16.67, 17.14, and 20. These character
matrices can be doubled to produce 5, 6, 6.67, 7.5, 8.33, and 8.57 CPI. In some
emulations the availability of certain CPIs is restricted. Some emulations provide
proportional spacing and justification features.
Lines Per Inch
Ten Lines Per Inch (LPI) settings are available through the Control Panel.
They include 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 LPI. In some emulations the
availability of certain LPIs is restricted. Some emulations provide variable line
Type Styles
There are six resident type styles available on your printer. They include Draft,
Data Processing (DP), Gothic, Courier, OCR-A, and OCR-B. All type styles and
the two output modes (for Draft and DP) are selectable through the printer
control panel.
Draft and Data Processing
Draft and Data Processing type styles print in two modes: Constant Density
Fonts (CDF) and Enhanced.
Constant Density Fonts print at the same dot density regardless of the CPI. This
produces consistent print speed even when changing from one CPI to another.
Enhanced Mode provides higher resolution and a greater range of CPIs than
CDF Mode. Because Enhanced Mode uses a variety of dot densities you should
expect a change in print speed of text when switching from one CPI to another.
Gothic and Courier
These two type styles provide Near Letter Quality (NLQ) printing. They print at
higher dot densities and use denser character matrixes for greater readability.
These print at 10 CPI only, mostly for Optical Character Recognition applica-
tions. There are three possible OCR-A densities: Standard, Enhanced, and High
Density. OCR-B always prints at High Density.
Large Character Printing
In certain emulations, large character printing is available. These characters are
printed using the TallyGenicom MonoBlock Bold TrueType font. This is a
monospaced san-serif font.
Emulations and Fonts