Nominal Traits
TDS 500C, TDS 600B & TDS 700C Performance Verification and Specifications
Table 2–6: Nominal traits — Display system (cont.)
Name Description
Waveform Display Graticule Single Graticule: 401 × 501 pixels, 8 ×10 divisions, where divisions are 1 cm by 1 cm
Waveform Display Levels/Colors TDS 520C, 540C, 620B, and 680B:
Sixteen levels in infinite-persistence or variable persistence display
TDS 644B, 684B, 724C, 754C, and 784C:
Sixteen colors in infinite-persistence or variable persistence display
Table 2–7: Nominal traits — GPIB interface, output ports, and power fuse
Name Description
Interface, GPIB GPIB interface complies with IEEE Std 488-1987
Interface, RS-232 RS-232 interface complies with EIA/TIA 574 (talk only)
Optional on the TDS 520C, 540C, 620B, and 680B
Interface, Centronics Centronics interface complies with Centronics interface standard
C332-44 Feb 1977, REV A
Optional on the TDS 520C, 540C, 620B, and 680B
Interface, Video VGA video output with levels that comply with EIA RS 343A standard. DB-15 connector
Logic Polarity for Main- and Delayed-
Trigger Outputs
Negative TRUE. High to low transition indicates the trigger occurred.
Fuse Rating Either of two fuses
may be used: a 0.25I × 1.25I (UL 198.6, 3AG): 6 A FAST, 250 V
or a 5 mm × 20 mm (IEC 127): 5 A (T), 250 V.
Each fuse type requires its own fuse cap.
Table 2–8: Nominal traits — Data handling and reliability
Name Description
Time, Data-Retention,
Nonvolatile Memory
Battery life ≥ 5 years
Floppy disk drive 3.5 inch, 720 K or 1.44 Mbyte, DOS 3.3-or-later compatible
Internal hard disk drive
(option HD and 2M available on the
TDS 500C and 700C)
170 MByte capacity
The times that reference waveforms, stored setups, and calibration constants are retained.
Data is maintained by small lithium-thionyl-chloride batteries internal to the memory ICs. At the time of manufacture, no
special disposal requirements were in effect for these batteries as the amount of hazardous material contained was below
the regulated threshold. Consult your local waste disposal agency for proper disposal.