Performance Tests
TDS 500C, TDS 600B & TDS 700C Performance Verification and Specifications
b. Set the vertical scale: Set the vertical SCALE to one of the settings
listed in Table 1–2 that is not yet checked. (Start with the first setting
H Press VERTICAL MENU. Press the main-menu button Fine Scale.
H Use the keypad to enter the vertical scale. For the 1 mV setting,
press 1, SHIFT, m, then ENTER. For the 101 mV setting, press
101, SHIFT, m, then ENTER. For the 1.01 V setting, press 1.01,
then ENTER.
Table 1–2: DC offset accuracy (zero setting)
Vertical scale
position and
offset setting
TDS 600B offset
accuracy limits
TDS 500C/700C
offset accuracy
1 mV 0 ±2.1 mV ±1.6 mV
101 mV 0 ±75.6 mV ±25.1 mV
1.01 V 0 ±756 mV ±251 mV
Vertical position is set to 0 divisions and vertical offset to 0 V when the
oscilloscope is initialized in step 1.
c. Display the test signal: The waveform position and offset were
initialized for all channels in step 1 and are displayed as you select each
channel and its vertical scale.
d. Measure the test signal: Align the active cursor over the waveform by
rotating the general purpose knob. Ignore the other cursor. See
Figure 1–4.
e. Read the measurement results at the absolute (@:) cursor readout, not
the delta (D:) readout on screen. That is, read the offset relative to the
ground reference. See Figure 1–4.
f. Check against limits: Do the following subparts in the order listed.
H CHECK that the measurement results are within the limits listed for
the current vertical scale setting.
H Enter voltage on test record.
H Repeat substeps b through f until all vertical scale settings listed in
Table 1–2, are checked for the channel under test.