Appendix C: Menu Bar Commands
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table C- 9: Masks menu commands (Cont.)
Menu FunctionSubmenu
Mask On Toggles the mask on or off
Mask Controls Displays the Mask control window that you use to control mask pass/fail testing
and display test results
Mask Configure Display, AutoSet,
Displays the Mask Configuration setup window that you use to configure the
display, autoset, and autofit features of mask testing
Mask Edit Setup Displays the Mask Edit Setup window that you use to create user masks
Mask Edit Controls Displays the Mask Edit control window that you use to edit user masks
Math Commands
Table C--10 lists the commands available from the Math menu on the menu bar.
Table C- 10: Math menu commands
Menu Submenu Function
Math Setup Displays the Math Setup control window that you use to create math waveforms
Display On/Off Toggles the display of math waveforms on and off
Position/Scale Displays the vertical Position and Scale control window that you can use to
change the vertical position and scale of waveforms
Label Displays a control window that you use to label your waveforms
Ch1--Ch2 Creates a predefined math waveform
Ch3--Ch4 Creates a predefined math waveform
Ch1*Ch2 Creates a predefined math waveform
Ch3*Ch4 Creates a predefined math waveform
Spectral Setup Displays the Spectral Math Setup control window that you use to create spectral
math waveforms
Magnitude Spectrum Creates a predefined magnitude spectral math waveform