Teledyne API Model 200AH NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2
Table 5-13: RS-232 Command Summary
Terminal Mode Editing Keys Definition
V MODE Print current analyzer mode
BS Backspace
ESC Erase line
^R Recall last command
^E Execute last command
CR Execute command
^C Switch to computer mode
Computer Mode Editing Keys Definition
LF Execute command
^T Switch to terminal mode
Security Features Definition
LOGON password Establish connection to analyzer
LOGOFF Disconnect from analyzer
General Output Message Format
Reporting of status messages for use as an audit trail is one of the two principal uses for the
RS-232 interface. You can effectively disable the asynchronous reporting feature by setting the
interface to quiet mode, see Table 5-9. All messages output from the analyzer (including those
output in response to a command line request) have the format:
X is a character indicating the message type, as shown in Table 5-14.
DDD:HH:MM is a time-stamp indicating the day-of-year (DDD) as a number from 1 to 366, the
hour of the day (HH) as a number from 00 to 23, and the minute (MM) as a number from 00
to 59.
IIII is the 4-digit machine ID number.
MESSAGE contains warning messages, test measurements, DAS reports, variable values, etc.
The uniform nature of the output messages makes it easy for a host computer to parse them.