If your re ceiver or trans mit ter should need ser vic ing un der the war ranty, please con tact:
Customer Service Department
8601 East Cornhusker Highway,
P.O. Box 5579,
Lincoln, Nebraska 68505-5579 U.S.A.
Phone: (402) 467-5321 or 465-7021
All claims of de fect or short age should be sent to the above ad dress. When re turn ing items for
ser vice, you must pro vide date and proof of pur chase, such as a copy of the sales re ceipt, to es -
tab lish war ranty. A let ter should be in cluded out lin ing all symp toms and claimed de fects. In for -
ma tion on how the equip ment was in stalled and used is very help ful. Please in clude your phone
num ber and re turn ad dress in case our ser vice tech ni cians need to con tact you.
Units that have been mod i fied can not be ac cepted for re pair.
In clude all in for ma tion re quested by the Ser vice De part ment. Then pack the unit as fol lows:
Check the unit to see that all parts and screws are in place. Then wrap it in heavy pa per or put
it in a plas tic bag. If the orig i nal car ton is not avail able, place the unit in a strong car t on that is
at least six inches big ger in all three di men sions than the unit. Fill the car ton equally around the
unit with re sil ient pack ing ma te rial (shred ded pa per, foam, etc.). Seal it with gummed pa p er
tape, tie it with a strong cord, and ship it by pre paid ex press, United Par cel Ser vice or in sured
par cel post to the Telex Ser vice De part ment.
It is very im por tant that the ship ment be well-packed and fully in sured. Dam age claims must be
set tled be tween you and the car rier and this can de lay re pair and re turn of the unit to you.
Telex re serves the right to make changes in de sign and im prove ment on its prod uct with out as -
sum ing any ob li ga tion to in stall the same on any of its prod ucts pre vi ously man u fac tured. Fur -
ther Telex re serves the right to ship new and/or im proved prod ucts which are sim i lar to the
form, fit and func tion of prod ucts orig i nally or dered.