General Description SR-400
The Telex SR-400 Re ceiver is a com po nent of a
sys tem which op er ates on sev en teen user selectable
chan nels in the 72 to 76 MHz fre quency band. The
re ceiv ers are de signed to be used with the Telex
ST-300 and PST-170 Trans mit ters.
Operating Features
Vol ume OFF/ON Con trol: This thumbwheel con -
trol serves as both an off/on switch and as a vol ume
con trol. The re ceiver is turned off when the con trol
is in the ex treme coun ter-clock wise po si tion, when
viewed from the rear, and the vol ume is loud est
when the con trol is in the ex treme clock wise po si -
Tre ble Con trol: A push but ton tre ble con trol is pro -
vided to en hance higher fre quency au dio when the
but ton is en gaged, in di cated by .
Head phone Jack: The re ceiver jack ac cepts a
0.140-inch (3.5 mm) di am e ter min ia ture plug. A va -
ri ety of ac ces sory units can be plugged into this jack
for lis ten ing.
Belt Clip: The belt clip sup plied is de tach able by
spread ing the wire apart at the tops and re mov ing
one side of the clip form the case and then the other.
SR-50 Sin gle Chan nel Re ceiver
Tem per a ture Range .....................................................................................................0 to +50 de grees C
Sup ply Volt age ...............................................................................................2-3 Volts, (2) AA Bat teries
Bat tery Life ..............................................................................................................20-30 Hrs - Al ka line
8-10 Hrs - Nicad
Sen si tiv ity (12 dB SINAD @ 25 kHz de vi a tion) ...................................0.5µ V typ i cal/1µ V max i mum
Dis tor tion...............................................................................................................................less than 2%
Fre quency Re sponse - 100 Hz-10 kHz .............................................................Less than 3 dB Vari a tion
Au dio Out put @ 10% Dis tor tion
Con trols and Con nec tions ................................................................................Vol ume OFF/ON Switch,
Au dio Out put Jack
8 ohm
50 mW
15 mW
10 mW
Bat tery In put
Volt age
32 ohm
80 mW
NOTE: A head phone or other de vice must be
plugged in the head phone jack in or der to turn on
the SR-400. This is to pre vent drain ing the bat ter ies
if the switch is ac ci dently left on.