1-4 GA-1121 Color Management
Enable Trapping
Specify whether or not the job automatically traps text and graphics
independently of their application. Trapping is intended to correct the
misalignment of solid tints in CMYK images. This option is only available
with the PostScript driver.
Image Smoothing
Automatic/Off/On/Below 90–300 ppi
The On setting enhances the print quality of low-resolution images.
(Other) Gamma
(Default set at Setup or with ColorWise Pro
Applies the specified
gamma value to the RGB source space definition (see
page 1-11). To use this print option, you must choose Other as the RGB
Source Profile setting. This option is only available with the PostScript driver.
(Other) White Point
5000 K (D50)/5500 K/6500 K (D65)/
7500 K/9300 K
(Default set at Setup or with ColorWise Pro
Applies the specified
white point value to the RGB source color space
definition (see page 1-11). To use this print option, you must choose Other as
the RGB Source Profile setting. This option is only available with the
PostScript driver.
+4 Sharpest/+3/+2/+1/0 Normal/-1/-2/-3/
-4 Softest/None
This option enhances the sharpness or reduces jagged edges. To increase the
sharpness, for printing image data such as phtographic, select one of the
positive number settings. To print text or bitmap graphics, select None.
This option specifies how to simulate a halftone screen for your job. If you
choose Auto, the appropriate screen is automatically selected, depending on
the image data. If you choose Detail, all objects are printed with high
resolution and a less jagged halftone screen. If you choose Smooth, all objects
are printed using a smooth and stable halftone screen.
Toner Reduction
This option minimizes the amount of toner used on a printed job. For more
information, see page 1-16.
Image Quality
This option specifies the resolution for ripping a printed job.
GA-1121 color print option What it does