2-13 Using the EFI Spectrometer ES-1000
The Information dialog box appears.
9. Place the ES-1000 in the calibration cradle, and click OK.
The EFI Spectrometer Measurement dialog box appears. Directions for measuring the
strips appear in the Status field.
NOTE: For a more accurate measurement, place several sheets of plain white paper
beneath the Measurement Page to block underlying colors from being read by the
10. Place the sample aperture in the white space at the start of the specified color.
11. Press and hold the measure button and wait for a beep.
OTE: To hear a beep with a Windows compatible computer, you must have a sound
card and speaker(s) installed.
12. After you hear a beep, slide the ES-1000 at a slow but consistent pace across the strip.
13. Release the button when all the patches in the strip have been measured, and you
have reached the white space at the end of the strip.
When a strip is measured successfully, the cross hair moves to the next color.